
The Peace Booth is sponsoring the following three petitions in 2014. Click on the title of each petition to view  a page with a downloadable PDF of the petition and background materials for that petition.

Respect Our Voting Rights

To members of the North Carolina General Assembly and North Carolina Congressional Delegation,

Respect Our Vote ─ and Our Right to a Government That Puts Our Interests First!

Send a message to your state and federal officials by signing your name to our petition below. Tell them that you want a government of, by, and for the PEOPLE. “Enough is enough! The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision gives corporations even greater control of our democracy − and now voting rights in North Carolina are under attack. As your constituent, I want you to 1) support measures to reverse the impact of the Citizens United ruling, and 2) take action to protect the voting rights of all North Carolina citizens by rejecting attempts to limit ballot box access.

Support our Troops ─ Bring Our War Dollars Home

We, the undersigned, call upon Gov. Pat McCrory and the NC General Assembly to repeal legislation that results in a reduction of services and benefits for North Carolina’s 766,000 veterans.

Led by Speaker of the House Thom Tillis, a regressive legislature has cut unemployment benefits and eliminated the Earned Income Tax Credit. The Legislature voted against benefits for returned and disabled veterans, and opposed funding for veterans’ health care.

Incidences of Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, homelessness, and suicide are increasing annually. More than 500 NC veterans died by suicide from 2009-2011. The Veterans Administration remains in crisis.

Cuts in veterans’ entitlements undermine their re-integration into civilian life. We urge the Legislature of “the most military friendly state” to move forward, together, with our veterans, by revising public policy to support our veterans and their families.

Compassionate Immigration Reform

To members of the North Carolina General Assembly,

Our national immigration laws and local policies have created a moral, economic and political crisis. The current immigration system needs compassionate reform. Thousands of immigrant children are denied tuition assistance and language services for higher education in North Carolina, preventing them from bettering themselves and our society. There are over 2,000 unaccompanied immigrant children in North Carolina who fled their gang-infested neighborhoods. Without legal assistance, these children will be deported to their unstable home countries. We, the undersigned, call on our NC Legislature to enact a bipartisan, compassionate immigration policy.


Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over sixty years