
Don’t Privatize Veterans’ Health Care

To: U.S. Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis

Whereas care of our Veterans is a national obligation and not a responsibility that should be turned into a for-profit venture,

We residents of North Carolina call on Senators Burr and Tillis to oppose and rescind S2372: The VA Mission Act and oppose privatization of VA health care. We ask you to support and vote to further fund and fully staff the Department of Veteran Affairs at levels that provide the care our veterans deserve.

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Peace Begins With Me

We are not enemies, but friends. … Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory … will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” – Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, 1861

Because Peace Begins With Me, I pledge:

  • To respectfully understand another person’s point of view, even if I don’t agree with it;
  • To find common ground and ways to work together;
  • To support ideas that bring us together rather than divide us.

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Divert Military Spending to Communities

Whereas, military spending is increasing under the current federal administration
Whereas, the United States possesses enough weapons of mass destruction to end life as we know it
Whereas, monies spent on weapons and war represent a loss of funds needed to rebuild our communities and infrastructure
Whereas, human needs – such as health care, education, environmental stewardship and childcare are being neglected in favor of more military spending
Whereas, embracing a Peace Economy will redirect funds away from weapons and war and into local efforts to support Human Needs, including the myriad needs of our state veterans
Therefore, we the undersigned call on The North Carolina League of Municipalities to urge our federal representatives to reduce military weapons spending in our state economy, and earmark those funds for Human Needs

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Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over sixty years