COVID Protocols

The Peace Booth is committed to the safety of all volunteers and visitors at the booth. We respect personal decisions related to volunteering at the booth.

For the safety of all Peace Booth volunteers, we are establishing the following:

  • We recommend that all volunteers wear masks which cover their mouth and nose at all times while in the Education Building. We will provide masks for those who forgot to bring their own or wish to double up.
  • Volunteers should follow well-known precautions such as washing hands regularly.
  • The Booth will be equipped with a large supply of pens for signing petitions, with cans for “Clean Pens” and “Used Pens”, and gloves and Lysol wipes for cleaning the pens and surfaces.
  • We will offer visitors the option to sign the petitions on-line rather than spending time reading the petition materials while at the booth.
  • Instead of the usual table and coloring sheet for kids, we will provide a handout “treat bag” with crayons and a Peace activity coloring book and other goodies for children to take home, so that families do not linger at the booth.
  • The booth layout will create a buffer between volunteers and visitors.

The State Fair will require vendors and volunteers to follow whatever Executive Orders are in place at the time of the fair.

Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over sixty years