
The Peace Booth is offering two petitions this year:

Fully Support NC’s Homeless Veterans


On any given night in 2020, over 37,000 veterans were homeless and 15,000 remained unsheltered in the US. Disabled veterans account for about 50% of people who are homeless. It is a sad fact that even NC, which calls itself a “military-friendly” state, is twelfth nationally for the highest rate of homelessness among veterans.

Therefore, We the undersigned urge Governor Cooper and the NC General Assembly to increase housing, health care, and employment resources to help all our homeless veterans.

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Protect Voting Rights in NC


To: House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger

Voting is our most fundamental right as Americans and as North Carolinians, and it must not be infringed upon.  We oppose any effort to enact unfair barriers to voting–especially following the record-breaking voter turnout North Carolina had in 2020–and support free, fair and transparent elections.
As the General Assembly considers legislation during its 2021 legislative session, Common Cause NC and North Carolinians across the state urge you to promote policies that expand access to the ballot box and ensure all voters have equal access to the polls, including a full early voting period with weekend voting, same-day voter registration and maintaining the vote by mail procedures that were in place in 2020.

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Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over sixty years