Guidelines for Coordinators

Working in the Peace Booth gives volunteers experience with the large peace community we are a part of, the opportunity to learn more about peacemaking, nonviolence and justice issues, and influence fairgoers about these same issues.  Following are some guidelines that will help you make the most of this opportunity.

Key responsibilities of a coordinator:

1. Have all volunteers by September 30 and send your schedule to  

  • You are expected to get 6 people to staff the Peace Booth for the half-day you have chosen (12 if you have chosen a full day). If you need help filling a couple of slots, we will help you. Please communicate by September 30 to allow us plenty of time to find you a couple of volunteers if you need them.
  • We find it best to have two-hour shifts with 2 people each shift. The best way to schedule volunteers is 9-11, 11-1, 1-3, 3-5, 5-7, and 7-9:45.  You can distribute the last 45 minutes throughout the day if you want. You may schedule one person per shift if you are short on volunteers., although two volunteers are better. Discourage more than two people in the booth at any time.
  • Youth can staff the booth. Middle schoolers must be with an adult. High school students can work alone.
  • Please let us know the number of tickets (# of adults, # of seniors 65+) by Sept 30. If you are coordinating a 1/2 day, you may have up to 7 tickets. If you are coordinating a full day, you may have up to 13 tickets. Remember that Tuesday Oct 22 is Senior day; seniors 65+ get in free; On Thursday Oct 24 , everyone can get in free with six cans of food. 

2. Inform volunteers about the volunteer training

  • Make sure you and your volunteers plan to attend one of the two in person 90 minute Orientation sessions (even if they have staffed the Peace Booth before). The volunteer training sessions for all 2024 coordinators and volunteers will be Monday, October 14 and Tuesday, October 15 at 7:00pm—8:30pm at Community United Church of Christ (CUCC) of Raleigh, 814 Dixie Trail, Raleigh. We will meet in Fellowship Hall. At the Orientation session, you will receive the free Fair tickets for your group. For the volunteers, we will have the Guidelines & Suggestions, copies of new handout material & petitions, and a sharing of experiences and pointers.  Everyone will hear about what is new at the booth this year.

3. Plan to stay your whole ½ or full day

  • It is best for you to be at the State Fair the whole time you are the coordinator, or to have one of your volunteers do this. You, or they, should stop by the booth at the beginning and end of each shift to resolve any concerns, or to take the slot of a sick or late volunteer so the booth is not empty.  
  • Getting to the Peace Booth will take time due to traffic. There is significant congestion around the fairgrounds because of road construction, and nearby parking will be limited. There are remote lots from which fairgoers will be bussed. Strongly encourage your volunteers to be at the State Fair well ahead of time and check in at the Booth at least 15 minutes before their shift. 

Call Patrick O’Neill 984-810-2273 or Dave Biesack 919-880-9301 if you have questions or concerns.

Thanks for your help!

Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over sixty years