The Peace Booth
at the
North Carolina State Fair
Text of This Year's Petitions

  1. Petition for Withdrawal From Iraq
  2. Petition To Stop Torture Flights Now
  3. Petition for Meeting North Carolina’s New Electricity Demand
    Through Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power Generation

Petition for Withdrawal From Iraq

To Sen. Elizabeth Dole and Sen. Richard Burr and Members of U.S. House of Representatives,
Whereas we can best honor the lives and memories of all who have died in Iraq by ending the war and supporting the rebuilding of Iraq;
Whereas we need to send a strong signal to the people of Iraq and the international community that the United States does not have imperial intentions in Iraq;
Whereas the perception that the U.S. intends to permanently occupy Iraq creates violence;
Whereas many nationalists groups have expressed a willingness to engage in political dialogue if the U.S. clearly states its intention to withdraw from Iraq;
Whereas a clear statement of intent to fully withdraw U.S. troops and close all U.S. bases is needed;
Be it resolved that I call on the U.S. Congress to adopt a sense of the Congress resolution declaring: "It is the policy of the United States to withdraw all U.S. military troops and not to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq."

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Petition To Stop Torture Flights Now

The Honorable Michael F. Easley
Governor of North Carolina and Chairman
Global TransPark (GTP) Authority Board of Directors

Governor Easley: Don't let North Carolina tax dollars support torture flights any longer!
Whereas, torture is a violation of international, federal, and state laws and is immoral and ineffective;
Whereas, Amnesty International and the European Union have documented that the CIA is engaging in torture flights, whereby people are captured and secretly flown to nations where they are tortured;
Whereas, the N.Y. Times has reported that Aero Contractors is making torture flights for the CIA, some of which are made from Kinston's Regional Jetport, managed by Global TransPark Authority;
Whereas, Global TransPark is funded by the state government;
Whereas, despite meetings and correspondence with the Governor's Chief of Staff, and the Board of the Global TransPark Authority, they have failed to adhere to a N.C. General Statutes;
Therefore, the undersigned call on you to meet your legal obligations, set forth in N.C. G.S. 114-15.1 and direct the State Bureau of Investigation to investigate thoroughly Aero Contractors participation in torture flights and take appropriate action henceforth.

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Petition for Meeting North Carolina’s New Electricity Demand
Through Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power Generation

Whereas using electricity more efficiently and conservatively reduces our dependence on foreign energy sources, keeping our country from fighting wars over increasingly scarce oil and natural gas reserves,

Whereas the use of low-cost energy efficiency reduces exposure to mercury contamination from coal fired power plants, thus protecting the health of North Carolinians who depend upon fish from our rivers and streams to feed their families,

Whereas applying energy efficiency reduces emissions of particulate matter due to burning fossil fuels in power plants, improving the lives of those 700,000 North Carolinians affected by respiratory disease and asthma,

Whereas the adoption of a Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) requiring use of renewable sources such as wind, solar and landfill methane will work toward economic and social justice by creating jobs and avoiding rising costs of buying and transporting coal and natural gas from other states,

Whereas a robust Public Benefits Fund will provide energy improvement measures to protect all North Carolinians from rising electricity rates,

Be it resolved that North Carolina’s elected and appointed leaders, NC Utilities Commission and Gov. Michael Easley shall make a long-term commitment to require implementation of measurable and verifiable energy efficiency on the same scale as power plants before deciding on proposals by electric utilities to build more nuclear and coal fired power plants.

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