The Peace Booth at the North Carolina State Fair

Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over fifty years

Text for the Peace Booth's Petitions for 2007

  1. Petition for Withdrawal From Iraq (Background material from
  2. Death Penalty Abolition (Background material from
  3. Close Guantanamo

Petition for Withdrawal From Iraq

To Sen. Elizabeth Dole and Sen. Richard Burr and Members of U.S. House of Representatives,

Whereas we can best honor the lives and memories of all who have died in Iraq by ending the war and supporting the rebuilding of Iraq by the Iraqi people.

Whereas we need to send a strong signal to the people of Iraq and the international community that the United States does not have imperial intentions in Iraq;

Whereas the U.S. occupation of Iraq creates more violence;

Whereas many nationalists groups have expressed a willingness to engage in political dialogue IF the U.S. clearly states its intention to withdraw from Iraq;

Be It Resolved that I call on the U.S. Congress to pass legislation in 2007, calling for the orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces and contractors and the closing of ALL U.S. bases in Iraq by April 2008.

Death Penalty Abolition

To: The Governor and State Legistators

We, the undersigned residents of North Carolina and other states of the United States, support repealing the death penalty and using the funds for new programs to support murder victims' families and crime prevention.

Close Guantanamo

Dear President George W. Bush:

We the undersigned urge you to take immediate steps to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. For more than five years, the US has imprisoned more than 700 men from about 45 nations in Guantanamo.remains in operation.

Guantanamo prisoners are subjected to human rights violations. In addition to torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, some prisoners have been subjected to unfair trial proceedings; others have been rendered to third countries that torture. Still others have been disappeared into secret CIA prisons.

By continuing to insist the US has the right to detain people indefinitely without access to due process, and outside the rule of law, you have placed the US squarely on the wrong side of history.

All Guantanamo prisoners should be charged immediately and be given a fair trial, or released unconditionally and not sent anywhere where they would face torture or other human rights abuses. It is time to bring this nation back into the community of nations as a country that upholds human rights and the rule of law.

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