The Peace Booth at the North Carolina State Fair

Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over fifty years

Text for the Peace Booth's Petitions for 2008

  1. Racial Justice Act
  2. Welcome Immigrants
  3. Rebuild Iraq - Rebuild America - Bring the Troops Home

Racial Justice Act

(929 signatures)

To: Members of the NC General Assembly and the North Carolina Governor,

We, the undersigned, in recognition of the documented and persistent role that racial bias plays in deciding who is sentenced to death and who is not, support the passage of the NC Racial Justice Act. This act would allow:

Welcome Immigrants

(818 signatures)
To: North Carolina Council of Churches Petition to Welcome Immigrants

Whereas all faith traditions call us to love our neighbors, to "welcome the stranger," to offer hospitality and to work for social justice;

Whereas unfair trade agreements are a primary reason that our Central and South American neighbors seek life-saving work in the United States despite a lack of available legal channels;

Whereas current actions unduly emphasize deportation and family separation as primary responses to immigrants, highlighting the need for comprehensive immigration reform;

Whereas, we call upon you, the candidates for governor, as well as all elected officials and citizens to welcome immigrants as people who deserve dignity and respect. We urge that state and local governments of North Carolina provide fair treatment and protection of our state's immigrant population, access to education at community colleges and the ability to move freely.

Rebuild Iraq - Rebuild America - Bring the Troops Home

(1055 signatures)
Dear President Elect:

Americans are looking to you for a fresh start, and an end to the Iraq war as you rebuild our relationships with the global community. A smart investment in a comprehensive strategy can make America safer, and contribute to political stability in Iraq and the region. We call on you to pursue a strategy that includes:

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