The Peace Booth at the North Carolina State Fair

Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over fifty years

Text for the Peace Booth's Petitions for 2010

  1. Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act)
  2. To the victims and survivors of torture and indefinite detention in the "War on Terror"
  3. Diversity in Wake County Public Schools

Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act)

Senator Kay Hagan;

The DREAM Act is a bipartisan proposal to create a pathway to citizenship for thousands of young students brought to the United States years ago as children. These students face unique barriers to higher education, are unable to work legally in the U.S., and live in fear of deportation. Our immigration law has no means to consider the special circumstances of such students. The DREAM Act would eliminate this flaw.

If Congress fails to act this year, another entire class of law-abiding high school students will graduate without being able to plan for the future. Some will be removed from their homes to countries they barely know. America will lose a vital asset: an educated class of promising immigrant students who are committed to hard work and have a strong desire to contribute to our society. Their contribution to our tax base is the economic stimulus we need in these hard times.

We, the undersigned, urge you to cosponsor the DREAM Act.

To the victims and survivors of torture and indefinite detention in the "War on Terror"

North Carolina is home to the "torture taxis" used by the CIA to transport many people to secret detention and abuse. Our state is also home to many dedicated men and women willing to sacrifice for this country, often on the orders of leaders gripped by fear and vengeance or misled by willfully fabricated intelligence. Thus, we North Carolinians have a special responsibility to insist that our government acknowledge its crimes and offer amends.

Although fugitives from torture and religious persecution created this nation, our government has written a new chapter of shame every bit as repugnant as the genocide of indigenous Americans, slavery, and the wartime internment of Japanese-Americans. We expect transparency and accountability for the torture and "extraordinary rendition" programs launched in 2001 will only be achieved with persistent and lasting struggle.

We cannot begin to imagine the pain and anguish borne by you and your families. As citizens of North Carolina, we express our deep regret for the suffering you have endured or are continuing to suffer either at the hands of our government or proxy states. The U.S. government should acknowledge the crimes committed against you, take responsibility, and offer an apology. We commit ourselves to work toward that day. Until then, we welcome your guidance in providing support that would be meaningful and useful to you and your families.

Diversity in Wake County Public Schools

We, the undersigned, believe that all children in Wake County, regardless of income, race, ethnicity or residence, should receive the highest quality education possible. We believe that our county's economic and social prosperity relies on public schools that are diverse and balanced.

Therefore, we support continuing the use of socio-economic diversity as one of the criteria for student assignment in order to maintain educational equity, access, and excellence for all students in our public schools.

Further, we believe that the nationally recognized Wake County Public School System magnet program should continue as originally designed to: 1) ensure maximum utilization of school facilities, 2) provide expanded educational opportunities, and 3) reduce high concentrations of poverty and support diverse populations.

Magnet schools should remain in areas that are largely racially segregated and where schools would otherwise be overwhelmingly populated with students from low-income families—particularly in Southeast Raleigh and along the Capital Boulevard corridor in Northeast Raleigh.

You may also download the text of all three petitions in PDF format.

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