The Peace Booth at the North Carolina State Fair

Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over fifty years

Text for the Peace Booth's Petitions for 2013

  1. End Drone Killings
  2. End Gun Violence
  3. Support Our Veterans—Bring Our War Dollars Home

End Drone Killings

To: President Barack Obama and United States Congress

We the undersigned oppose the use of unmanned drones to assassinate suspected terrorists. These attacks violate international law and the sovereignty of the nations we bomb.

Each drone attack kills innocent civilians, many of them women and children. Rather than making us safer, drone attacks engender more hatred for the U.S. from those who are harmed by drone attacks.

There is no transparency or accountability for the U.S. drone program, which is controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency. In fact, details of Drone operations are classified as top secret, and our government has refused to make information about the program available to the public.

Drone warfare is illegal and immoral, and it must be stopped -- GROUND the drone program immediately! Use your skills to negotiate, to protect us here at home and to empower governments to build their own democracies.

End Gun Violence

We the citizens of North Carolina call on Gov. Pat McCrory and the NC General Assembly to propose, enact and support legislation to limit or control the use of guns.

The gun lobby should not be allowed to intimidate the majority of citizens who are appalled and disgusted by the suffering and violence caused by guns in our society. More than 1,100 North Carolinians are killed, and more than 4,000 injured, by guns each year.

We will not tolerate this. We demand a bipartisan discussion resulting in a set of laws that regulate how citizens obtain guns and limit where they can be carried. Comprehensive gun safety legislation will reduce the incidence of gun violence and make our schools, neighborhoods and communities safer.

Support Our Veterans—Bring Our War Dollars Home

We, the undersigned residents of North Carolina, call upon the United States Congress and President Barack Obama to make the care and support of our veterans a No. 1 priority. After more than a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, tens of thousands of U.S. service members are suffering severe physical and mental health consequences. Physically altered, or bearing "invisible wounds" of war, the Costs of War are marching home. Please help our veterans and their families to transition and reintegrate into civilian life.

In addition, we particularly urge you to "Bring our war dollars home," cut spending for wars, and instead use those funds to meet vital human needs, promote job creation, rebuild our infrastructure, aid municipal and state governments.

You may also download the text of all three petitions in PDF format.

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