
Below is the text of the three petitions for 2016 at The Peace Booth. Below the petition for each are download links for the petition sheet  and the background material that accompanies the petitions (each in PDF format).

Expand Veterans Courts in NC

We, the undersigned North Carolina citizens, urge our policy leaders to provide additional funding to expand Veteran Services to include more Veteran Courts to better meet the needs of those who served but now find themselves in dire circumstances. Expanding the number of Veteran Courts within North Carolina will offer compassionate outcomes to our veterans who have suffered mental heath problems as a consequence of war. This will also help reduce criminal recidivism, veteran drug use, and provide necessary counseling to help veterans reintegrate into mainstream society. We urge the Governor to increase the number of grants given so more counties can open Veteran Courts.

Download petition | Download background material

We received 1,980 signatures on this petition.

Restore Police Camera Transparency

In the interest of peace and recognizing that trust between communities and the brave police officers that serve them is vitally important to our society, and that our police officers are vital public servants and partners in building a more safe, secure, and peaceful society, we, the undersigned, petition the North Carolina State Government to repeal HB 972 which exempts police videos from public records requests. The public interest would be best served if dashcam and bodycam footage is quickly released publicly in instances of controversy over police use of lethal force. Additionally, the state government should pursue other ways to partner with communities to increase trust and transparency by working towards mutual goals.

Download petition | Download backup material

We received 1,740 signatures on this petition.

A Call to Welcome Refugees

We call upon the Governor and General Assembly to halt the progression of anti-refugee bills and help turn NC into a leading example of how to create a welcoming community to the least advantaged in the world. We call on you to support refugee resettlement and increase support for necessary secondary services such as ESL education and cultural/community integration.

Download petitionDownload backup material | Immigration Myths | Immigration Statistics (UNHCR) | Worldwide map of refugee (UNHCR)

We received 1,340 signatures on this petition.

View Previous year’s petitions: [ 2015 | 20142013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 ]
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Bringing the message of Peace to North Carolina fairgoers for over sixty years