
We have only one petition this year:


Congress passed the Authorization for Use of
Military Force (AUMF) following 9/11. Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump used it
to justify warrantless surveillance, indefinite detention, the lethal use of
drones, the bombing of Syria, and at least 41 military operations in 19

The AUMF is a flawed, overly broad, blank
check that fails to specify what actions are authorized and empowers the
President to target anyone deemed a threat – even civilians. The Constitution
gives Congress, not the executive, the power to decide where and when to engage
in war.

The use of the AUMF has cost the lives of more
than 500,000 people, including more than 250,000 civilians and nearly 15,000
U.S. military personnel and contractors, and $6 trillion.

Politically diverse groups such as VoteVets and Concerned Veterans for America back this repeal effort.

Therefore, we urge Congress to pass HR 1274 and repeal the AUMF.

Background materials:

Listen to a 2014 RadioLab story about the AUMF.

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